Chinese media typo calls President Xi Jinping the 'last leader'
Xinhua copy editors who have extensive processing is already and will need to be changed network device. Executive Director of China. ".Finally, many stores will lead article Sunday.China is considered a reference to the importance of such events are rare.Chinese media are tightly controlled and censored by the government are often canceled at the website and social media content.Both phrases are different characters. But the pronunciation is very different.This was the danger potential of a more strict control of the government in the media. Similar mistakes of the past with the difficulties associated with journalists cause of death.Four journalists last December after the Chinese agency suspended - is controlled by the ruling party - report accidents "resignation" of President (CI), instead of "words" (Jim CI) African travel.Investigative journalist and the arrest of Chinese investment in 201 5 29 journalists behind bars for a variety of alleged offenses.Xi Jinping recently visited Beijing Newsroom calls. "Absolute loyalty" of the Communist Party.But last week, Chinese financial magazine successful focus on examining the contents of the government's action against this is rare.It's in English on Monday published an interview with an investigation on the freedom of expression are removed. Tuesday night, this article seems to have been erased.